Thursday, February 18, 2010

"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

I promised a video, and I have two for you. Neither are exactly what I was looking for, and if you find a better one online somewhere, please send me a link! And now...for an extra 10 points on your Modernism Test (on Monday!), watch both videos and leave a comment answering the following questions:

These videos are completely different - one creating images from the poem and one is a dramatic reading of the poem. Which one do you like better, and why? Which video helps you to clearly understand the poem? If you were to create a video for this dramatic monologue written by T.S Eliot, what would you incorporate? How would you get your understanding of the poem across?


  1. Video one and video two are two examples of how to interpret the poem, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock". Video one is more understanding of the poem and it seems like it fits correctly. Video two is very dramatic and intense. With the music and black and white pictures, it almost gives me a creepy feeling from watching it. I personally like video one better because the old man seems to me like he's the one the story is about. He fits the descriptiion in the poem, where it talks about getting older and the necktie and being nicely dressed. Video one gave my a percise image of this poem. In video two, the love story being told was more a dark romantic, it almost seemed like he was dying, instead of finding love. But in the end, the man does go home alone.

  2. 200362915 - 5th Period
    I like the second video better since the video shows different images as poem goes along. However, the first video is kind of creepy. If i was in the video, I would make the voice tone high so the viewer isn't bored. And use alot of creative images/clips.

  3. I personally like the second video better because the footage they showed was much more modern and gave something our generation could relate to. It gave much more passion than the first as the first seemed as if it were forcibly acted out. But the first one is much more straight forward so it allowed me to just get the basics of the poem. If I were to make a similar video, I'd copy video 2 and show footage with an eerie tone of voice as the narration.

  4. Tyler Nutt 5th period

    1. I liked the second one better because it is in color and it shows more detail than the second one.
    2. Again the second one because it gives more detail.
    3. I would make it like the second video except make it more creepy. I liked the way the first guy told the poem. If we could keep the video of the second one and combine it with the dialogue of the first, i would make that my video.
    4. Through actual acting while reciting the story. Though it is modernism and you are supposed to interperit what happens yourself, I would make the video how I interperited it and say this is my interpertation.

  5. 200383920 - 3rd PeriodFebruary 19, 2010 at 3:57 PM

    My favorite video is the second. Though neither of the videos really paint that clear of a picture in my head, the second gives flashes of images that we are more inclined to remember. If I were to create a video of this poem, I would most definetly make it more personal to the viewer so that the video does not become boring, and it is more memorable. I would also make sure to emphasize the themes and symbols of the story, because in these symbols lies the true meaning of the poem.

  6. i like the second one better because the guy in the first video scares me.i think the pictures that are used in the second video make it easy to picture something, but even though i like a monotonous voice i think the way the first guy read it is pretty good too.i would probably not ever make a video but if i had to most likely i would do something like a combination of 2.i dont know-add footnotes at the bottom??

  7. 9903542 4th
    The second video out of the two was much better and helpful. The first video was wired and boring. I mean who wants to stare at an old guy saying a poem. The second video atleat showed pictures of what it was talking about. If i had to make a video i would make it similar to the second one. But i would put a bunch of more detail and other stuff in it.

  8. I like the second video better because it incorporates pictures to help the poem make more sense to the reader. The second video helps to clearly understand the poem, although the old man in the first better depicts the character in the poem.If I had to make a video, I would incorporate both together so that the reader could get a feeling for what it is about and wht the old man looks like.

  9. 200205037-3rd periodFebruary 20, 2010 at 3:52 PM

    I thought that the second video was better because it wasnt just some creepy old guy the whole time it had pictures that allowed you to see what was going on in the poem. If i had to make a video of this poem i would use actors to give the readers a better picture of what was going on instead of an old guy talking the whole time and flashes of pictures. I would also add more key details and symbols of the poem into the video.

  10. I would have to say that video 2 gave me a better understanding of the poem. It turned it into a dramatic story with pictures that helped me with what was going on in the text. It was very creepy, dark and suspensefull. Video 1 was dry, bland and boring and i thnk I almost fell asleep watching it. I honestly couldn't pay attention to that old man reading the story. Also video 2 was a lot easier two connect two because of it's dramatic style. If i was creating this video i would turn it into an act and act it out to make it more interesting.

  11. Both videos allow you to understand the poem in a much different way than the text. The imagery & scences in the visor make the emotion & other aspects of the poem pop to your attention wheras in the text you are left to either asborb or neglect them. I personally feel that the text helps to understand the poem better. When you read the poem you can almost feel the emotion that the author expressed while they wrote. And, some people can read a poem & think of maybe the exact same things the author did. The first video to me was much more helpful. They both were helpful in understanding. To make a video like this, you have to incorporate things that evoke emotion yet still leave a little to be thought up by the viewer. If I had to make one of these videos I would include dramatic examples of the texts. For example Prufrock talks of his excitment in the start of the poem & by the end he is very upset. I would use examples of a man going throught that & the disapproval of the women he encounters as well. Simple yet, full of example to get the point across

  12. 9932980 -2nd period-

    personally i liked the first one a lot more. Though it was kinda creepy it was very similar to how i imagined it, the other video just seemed random and really stupid.

    the first one was better because it helped me think of it in the same way that the author seemed to have written it. the second was just really strange.

    if i were to create my own video of this i would have someone read it similarly to the first video but i would have people act it out.

    by reading the poem how it was written and acting it out i could achieve maximum understandability...

  13. I found the second video better than the first because of the visual of the text plus it was entertaining to watch. It also helped me clearly understand the poem since I have a better understanding if I see a visual of a story and etc. If I were to create a video to incorporate this poem, I would most likely of done the same thing the person did in the second video with a recorder. Overall, both were done well, I just enjoyed the second more than the first video.

  14. I am much more of a visual leasrner, so I preferred the second video. The guy in video number one did help me to relate a character with the story, but I liked the fact that video two related a character and gave clips along the way. I took from the videos that this "person" is looking for love, but still ends up going home without love. I felt that the narration of both videos were not right for the story line. If I were to create a video I would have a voice narration between the first video narator and the second. I would also incorporate both visual clips and narration.

  15. 200250371 NESTOR CAMPOS 5TH

    video 1 and video i think both show a description of the poem but the first one seems to interpret and gives more understanding of what really happened the story fits in correctly to the images shown video two is very dramatic and shows to much drama and action the black and white pictures also add to the intense and interpretation a little too extreme. i think the first video is the best in terms of going along the lines wise the guy that know all what is going on, he know what getting old is all about . video one gave a glance at what love can do to a person very romantic in my opinion he get the point accros plus the images show what the story is about shows also dissaproval from the woman he meets

  16. The first video was the one I liked better because I could tell by the end of the poem the transitions made. If I had made a video, I would have done one incoorperating different scenes (like the 2nd video) but the reading of it more similar to the first video.

  17. I like the second video better because of the pictures and details presented. It is easy for me to imagine the poem with presented scenes rather than text. If I was creating a video for this poem, I would use the voice of the old man and incorporate it into the second video. The audience will have a better feel to the poem with the old man's voice. For people to understand this poem, I would present the symbols and themes of this poem in a way that is simple and to the point. I would not want the audience to get bored.

  18. Both videos help me to understand the poem better than just reading it from the book, but
    I personally like the second video better because it helps me to understand what is going on in the poem and paint a clearer picture of it. If I were to create a video of this poem I would make it more like the second video because more people can relate to it and understand the poem more. I would make it to where people could relate to it to get the point across.

  19. i like the second one better. it helps me to better understand the action taking place and give it a modern application. if i were making a video, i would use an old man a keep it in its original historical setting. i would make it like a short movie like the second one. i like the vitality of the first video, so i would make my video much less dramatic than the second.

  20. 5th
    i liked the second video the best. it had pictures andvideos similar to that in the poem. the old guy was boring. yet, he did use his hands to describe the actions in the play. if i were to make a viseo of this poem, i would first interpret the poem like the old guy, and then following threw with a bunch of similaraties in my video.

  21. 5th period is the best

  22. well i didnt care much for either of them. the actor played his role out a bit to dramatically and i just didnt seem to get a feel for any of it. If i where making a video i would probably have done a much better job

  23. Kathryn Junco

    The second video was much better. I liked being able to see pictures and examples of what was taking place. It clarified a lot of things in the poem that were confusing when you just read it, or see someone say it and make hand motions.

  24. i liked the second video better, it was less boring than the first one because it incorperated images and helped my understanding plus the first guys voice was extremly annoying. if i was creating the video i would use actors and play out the roles. i would incorperate stuff to help the reader better understand the symbolism, and the themes.

  25. The first video was very boring and it lost me. I couldn't concentrate or listen to the story. Video two definitely gave me a better indication on what the poem was about. I like all the different pictures and scenes that were shown.
    If I was to make a video I would make it similar to the second one, but make it more like a movie. Play out the story in the poem a little better. That way you'd know exactly what was happening.

  26. video one suits the poem very well. It helps me understand it better and the man seems like he would be the one the story is about and I liked it better. The second video was very dramatic and making it black and white added to that. I think it was a little too over the top. To get people to have a better understanding I would clearly present the main points and symbols.

  27. In my opinion, video two gave me a better understanding of the poem. It gave the poem a more dramatic and modern twist, so its easier to understand and relate to. However, the first video wasn't as monotone as the second. If i were to make a video, I would have people acting out the entire poem instead of just reading it. Doing that, I could understand it better because you can visually see the action.

  28. I liked the second video better because the video was in color and was more descriptive. It was more interesting and passionate than the second one. However, the first video was more informative and helped show the basics of the poem. My video would be like video one color and would make it more descriptive. The combination of the two makes the best video

  29. I like the second video better, because it actually helps me visualize the poem and see the things that the poem is describing. The second video also helps me clearly understand the poem as well, because of the visuals. If I were to create a video for this dramatic monologue I would incorperate a bunch of picture and music to set the tone of the poem. The pictures could help the audience imagine the poem in the heads and the music would set the tone, this is how I would get the understanding of the poem across to the audience.

  30. 9934761 5th

    I liked the second video better for two reasons, the old man creeped me out and the second provided a visuals for the story and made the whole thing make more sense. If i were creating a video that went along with this i would incorprate a dramatic reader but instead of the focus being on him i would make it so that there were still images that would play. and to get the images across better and more understandable i would probably incorprate the use of people acting it out but still as the dramatic person reads the text.

  31. I liked the second video better because there was more then a guy in a hat telling the whole poem. It showed what was going on and events that could have been similar to the poem. The second video helps me understand the poem more clearly. I would do exactly what the second video did to make people understand the poem; creating images to tell what was going on.

  32. Clinique Brooks 4th period
    I like the second video better because the guy in the first video is weird. The second video also showed pictures of what it was talking about. The first video was just boring. If I were to make this poem into my personal video, I would add more ideas and detail also get a better actor.

  33. I liked the second video better because of the details presented in it. It was easier for me to understand and visualize things because of the great desriptions. On top of that, it caught my attention more and i found it to me quite interesting when compared to the 1st video. Although the first video did give alot of detail.

  34. I liked the second video the best. The second video seemed like more time and effort had been put into it. The man in the first video frightened me. If I were to make this video I would make it very colorful and catchy to draw in the audience.

  35. 1. I like the second video better because it was in color & it was more entertaining than the first one.
    2. The second one helped me understand the video alot better than the first one mainly because I was more entertained watching it. It was easier for me to understand what was happening more.
    3. If I were to make a dramatic monolouge I would go more along the lines of the second video. I would have the lines flow more together rather than it sound like it was being read from a script.
    -Yvonne Locke/2nd period

  36. I liked the dramatic reading one better. I think the one with the pictures was kind of fake and it didn't look really proffesional.
    But actually the one with the pictures made it easier to understand the story. If i had to make a video by myself i would choose to make one with dramatic voice but also pictures. And maybe switching in between showing me and the pictures. And i would choose more professional pictures.

  37. I liked the video in color better because I could actually hear what he was saying.
    Again, the color video helped clarify the meaning of the poem due to the emotion in the reader's voice and facial expressions.
    For my own video, I would try to materialize the story within the poem by having an actor take on the depressing role of J. Alfred Prufrock.

  38. I thought the second video was clearer to understand what was going on. Although the first poem was more informative so it gave a clearer background on the story, the second was just more interseting to watch.

  39. The first video was quite interesting. It made me understand the poem better to see the way he interprets the video, although slightly on the creepy side. The second video I enjoyed to see all the different images. It reminded of the urban twist they put on the Romeo&Juliet with the Leonardo Dicaprio. The people reading the story helped me so much to really interpret the poem for myself. If I were to make a video of this poem it would be more similar to the second video. I like the black and white effect in the second one. My video would have a business man sitting in a coffee shop wondering where is life has gone. I like the line about measuring his life in coffee spoons. I really like that imagery because it reminds of a business man living minute by minute and running on caffeine. He doesn't know where is life went because all he cares about is now, and not the brutal reality that at the end of the day he is alone....

  40. Personally I like the second video more because the images showed a more modern approach. It was approached more deeply than the first. The first one is straight forward though. If I were to make this into a video, i would use interesting narration and colorful footage.

  41. I like the first one better because you could see the emotion of it on his face. Neither where that good considering the people filming shouldn't be holding a camera ever again. The Emotion displayed by the person saying it is great for important parts of the poem but when Imagery kicks in there is the greatest opportunity for a cut scene to the second video.

  42. I like the second video better. The first is somewhat overbearing and I didn't like watching someone recite the poem. The second one fits better with the morbid attitude of the poem, although it was a bit much to be in all black and white. I understood it better in the first one, but definitely like the second one more as far as artisticness goes.

  43. I liked the second video better because it portrayed better imagery than the first. As a visual learner, I found its appearence was more understandable. My video would use the visual representations of the second video, but I would also incorperate the unique verbal description that was used in the first video. Both gave good presentations, but the second was more understandable in my opinion.

  44. I like the second one better because the first one scared me. Also because I learn better when theres pictures or a visual. If I had to display the story I would make it as if it was first person. I would act out certain scenes of the poem.

  45. Both videos helped me gain a better overall understanding of the poem. The second video was a little hard to hear but helped with the imagery. The first video helped me understand more of the narrator's point of view and what he might have been like if he were telling the poem. If I were to create a video I would incorporate more images and people to help understand the situations. The second video did this, but some of the images more fit with the mood, not the actual words being read at that moment. Also the narrator would be a very colorful and theatrical reader to help keep the watchers' attentions.

  46. I like the second one better, because it helps you understand the poem better. The first one is just an over exaggerated reading of the poem with little true feeling. The second one however, you can better feel the authors pain or tragedy, you can feel what the character was feeling.

    If I had to write a monologue I would over exaggerate everything so you could better get the mood and tone across clearly. I would strong pictures to express the setting, which will create an immediate mood. Next I would read the poem as if it were I, as if it had rue meaning to me. Of course I would be overly dramatic in reading the poem.

  47. These videos are completely different - one creating images from the poem and one is a dramatic reading of the poem. Which one do you like better, and why? Which video helps you to clearly understand the poem? If you were to create a video for this dramatic monologue written by T.S Eliot, what would you incorporate? How would you get your understanding of the poem across?

    I liked the one that created the images in the viewers head. I found this more interesting compared to the other person talking. Neither of them did a perfect job to help one understand the poem, but the images did better than the person standing and talking. I would incorporate better pics and try to make the setting clearer.

  48. I liked the first video better cause it gave me some what an idea of how the story went. The emphesises on words and expressions helped to understand some of the scenes.

  49. 200169387 - 5th
    I liked the second video better because the video was in color and more descriptive. It was so hard to understand the first video where the old man was talking. Also, the second video was more interesting for me to see.However, they both were great videos.
