Monday, August 31, 2009

Thursday - 8/27/09

Today we took notes over the puritans for the majority of the period. We looked at their history, their society, and their writing. Once we have a firm understanding of those aspects, we can then begin to read and understand their writing.

We also began the historial fiction assignment today in our writer's notebooks. The assignment will last over several days and be due on Monday. This is the assignment:

Create a piece of historical fiction that is set during the time of the first explorers or the first settlers to the American colonies. Your main characters must be your own creation, but they can meet and interact with actual, historical personalities. They can also participate in actual, historical events.

setting (10)
characters ( 10)
conflict (10)
tone (10)
mood (10)
style (10)
organization (20)
mechanics (20)

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