Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday - 1.29.10

Today we began the period with an entry in the Soldier Journal. The topic:

Gunshots are heard all around you….
Describe where you are at, who you are with, and what just happened to you.
How did your soldier survive the attack?
Did you have any injuries?
After the journal entry, we read "An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge". As we read the story students should answer the guide questions. We also read a short bio on Ambrose Bierce, and answered questions about his life.

Thursday - 1.28.10

Today we read "To Build a Fire", which is an example of naturalism. While we read the short story, students answered questions on a handout.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday - 1.27.10

Unit 4 - Realism started today. We began by taking notes on the unit and short stories we will be reading. Notes are under Unit 4 Handouts.

We also begun our toy soldier journals today. Students received their own soldier, and created a profile for their soldier. Over the next few weeks students will be writing journal entries for their soldier.

The period ended with background/historical notes on the literary time period. Students used the book to complete this activity, and turned it in when they were done.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday - 1.26.10

We began the period today by going around and filling in all student emails into an excel spreadhseet. Students who filled in an email will now be receiving periodic reminders about tests and when assignments are due. If you did not give me your email today, please see me ASAP to fill in this information.

Outside Reading Assignment #1 was also assigned today. We discussed the purpose behind the assignment and when it is due. Students also received the data sheet that will need to be filled out.

SAT Writing notes were handed out, and discussed. We talked about the criteria of the SAT Writing and how to score the best possible score. Students then wrote one SAT Essay and turned it in.

3rd Period Advisement: Your course planning sheets were distributed and we discussed what was needed to graduate and what you currently have taken. Sheets were then collected, and we will be looking over your transcripts and these sheets again tomorrow.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday - 1.25.10

Today students handed in their Color Journal from the Great Gatsby. They also took the test over this unit. If you were absent, please make plans to take this test after school one day.

Vocab Unit 7 has also been posted. The quiz is on Friday, February 12th.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friday - 1.22.10

Students handed in Vocabulary Unit 6 work today. We then took the Unit 6 Vocabulary quiz. After the quiz students began writing their Laws of Life essay. Most students did not finish their essay, and will be finishing them on Monday after their Great Gatsby Test. Please remember to study for your test and participate in the discussion (see videos below).

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Great Gatsby Discussion

Please watch the following video and follow the directions to receive an extra 5 points on your Great Gatsby test.

Thursday - 1.21.10

Today we finished watching The Great Gatsby. We also discussed what needs to be reviewed for the test on Monday. Students were also reminded about the vocabulary test tomorrow. Please see yesterday's post for more information about what will be on the test. Students were also told that if they participated in the Great Gatsby discussion online they would get 5 extra points on their test. To further review, please watch the video below.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday - 1.20.10

Today students viewed the first half of the movie version of Great Gatsby. We also talked about elements of the movie that differ from the book.

Reminder for students: Vocab Unit 6 work is due on Friday, and your quiz will also be on Friday. Also, the Great Gatsby test is on Monday. Your color journal for the novel is also due on Monday.

Great Gatsby Test Review
1. Study the Great Gatsby vocabulary sheet given at the beginning of the unit.
2. Utilize the Great Gatsby online review game. (found on the handouts website - Ante Up)
3. Review the meaning behind your color journal (also get it ready to hand in on Monday!)
4. Review all the characters, their roles, and how they are related to one another.
5. Review your notes from the intro powerpoint on this unit. Pay special attention to info about the author and the literary time period - modernism. (ppt is on the handouts website)
6. Try to answer questions on the study guide that was given out. (this will not be collected for a grade)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday - 1.19.10

Today in class students handed in their Critical Analysis Essay. We then read Chapter 9 of Great Gatsby. After finishing the book, we began watching the film.

Chapter 9 Summary:
- Rumors fly about Gatsby and his death
- Only a few attend Gatsby’s funeral: Nick, Owl Eyes, a few servants, and Gatsby’s father
- Tom and Daisy move away
- Jordan and Nick break up
- Tom is the one who told Wilson that Gatsby owned the car-thus revenging Myrtle’s death
- Nick describes Tom and Daisy as “careless” people whose money is their safety net
- Nick thinks back about Gatsby’s American Dream
-Though we try to press forward to the future, we are always drawn back to the past

Chapter 9 Analysis - Marxism:
- Explore how the “large” dominates the “small”
- Tom tells Wilson that Gatsby owns the car (used Wilson like a pawn to revenge Myrtle’s death)
- The quest for the “American Dream”
- Tom and Daisy move away without consequence
- No matter how hard we try, the past always weighs us down

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday - 1.15.10

We read chapters 7-8 today of The Great Gatsby. We will finish chapter 9 on Tuesday. Your critical analysis paper (on chapters 1-8 only) is due on Tuesday. This must be typed and handed in at the beginning of the period in order to receive full credit. Students will not be allowed to print their essays in class. You will be completing chapter 9's critical analysis in class at a later date. If you have questions about your essay please feel free to send them via email.

Chapter 7 Summary:
- Gatsby now determined to have Daisy. Tom knows of their feelings
- Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, Jordan, and Nick all drive to the city
- Nick rides with Jordan and Tom in Gatsby's car, and Gatsby and Daisy ride together in Tom's car. Nick, Jordan ,and Tom stop for gas at Wilson’s garage in Gatsby’s car
- Wilson reveals he knows of Myrtle’s affair and plans to move her West
- In the city, Tom and Gatsby have THE confrontation, Tom says the he has a history with Daisy that Gatsby could never imagine. Flippant Daisy admits she feels drawn more to Tom than Gatsby
- Tom sends Daisy and Gatsby alone back to the city without fear
- On his way back home, Tom passes by the scene of an automobile accident. Myrtle was hit and killed by a car, but the car sped away
- Wilson knows it was a yellow car that struck Myrtle. Tom fears Wilson will remember him driving Gatsby’s yellow car earlier that day
- Daisy was the actual driver of the car, not Gatsby. Gatsby will take the blame for her though.
- Nick watches Daisy and Tom reconcile

Chapter 7 Analysis - Formal:
- Ignore historical context, and explore the novel as an organic whole
- Cars and Drivers
- Myrtle was the victim
- Wilson and Tom’s suspicion of their wives’ affairs
- Daisy chooses to remain with Tom instead of Gatsby

Chapter 8 Summary:
- Gatsby explains to Nick his romantic history with Daisy
- The gardener wants to drain the pool but Gatsby wants to take a swim first. He has never used the pool
- Wilson finds a dog collar as proof of Myrtle’s affair.
- Wilson believes Dr. T.J Eckleberg’s eyes watches over all. (eyes of God) He comes to the conclusion that the person driving the car was Myrtle’s lover.
- Seeking revenge for his wife’s death, George shoots Gatsby while he is in the pool.
- George then kills himself
- Portrayal of the 1920s and the collapse of the American Dream

Chapter 8 Analysis - Formal:
- Ignore historical context, and explore the novel as an organic whole
- Wilson murders Gatsby
- Dog collar is found
- Gatsby will never have Daisy

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday - 1.14.10

We are started off the period today by discussing Chapters 5-6, which we read yesterday.

Chapter 5 Summary:
- Nick tells Gatsby that he will help him with the tea party plan. Gatsby wants to make sure the “stage is set” perfectly
- Gatsby offers Nick a business offer on the side- not associated with Meyer Wolfshiem
- Daisy comes over for the tea party and is reunited with Gatsby. Things are awkward at first but the connection between them is obvious.
- Gatsby takes Nick and Daisy over to his mansion for a tour. Daisy begins to cry. Gatsby tells Daisy how much he misses her.
- Nick fears Daisy can not live up to Gatsby’s unrealistic expectations
- Daisy and Gatsby are only focused on one another, and Nick leaves them alone

Chapter 5 Analysis - Formalist:
- Ignore historical context, and explore the novel as an organic whole
- Nick is the only narrator- says he is very honest. Are we limited though?
- Tea Party Organization
- Think of all the connections between the characters. How do their relationships with one another advance the plot? How is each individual crucial to the plot?

Chapter 6 Summary:
- Gatsby’s true past revealed- Born James Gatz in North Dakota, dropped out of college, worked as a janitor and fisherman, befriended Dan Cody who left him money, but Gatsby could not claim it. Determined to be successful
- Tom has drinks with Gatsby, but he dislikes him. Thinks his money came from bootlegging.
- Tom and Daisy attended a party at Gatsby’s house- mood very somber
- Gatsby wants Daisy to fall in love with him again, but she did not have fun at the party
- Now that Gatsby finally has Daisy, the chase is over

Chapter 6 Analysis - Feminism:
- Explore how different genders react in certain situations
- Again, what if Gatsby were a female?
- Competition between Tom and
- Social expectations at parties- drinking and talking

After the discussion of Chapters 5 & 6, we read Chapter 7, which took the remainder of the period.

Wednesday - 1.13.10

Today we read Chapters 5 & 6 from The Great Gatsby. It took the entire period. We will be discussing them tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday - 1.12.10

In class today we read Chapter 4 of The Great Gatsby. We also discussed and reviewed Chapters 3-4. We also talked about the color journal and what colors have permeated the past couple of events in the book. Red was mentioned from the scene when Nick went to dinner with Tom and Daisy, and shades of yellow from Gatsby's party. Here are the notes from Chapters 3-4:

Summary of Chapter 3
- Gatsby invites Nick to one of his famous parties. Jordan is also in attendance
- First look into Gatsby’s house and lifestyle (ex: mansion, Rolls Royce, pool, beach, food)
- Rumors still fly about Gatsby’s past- he is a German spy, a graduate of Oxford, and may have killed a man. He is also a people-pleaser
- Nick recognizes Gatsby. They served in the same division during the war.
- Jordan and Gatsby have a private meeting. He tells her something “extraordinary”
- Nick does not understand the lavish lifestyle, thinks there is more to life than parties and idleness
- Nick begins to date Jordan although she is deceitful and cheats at golf. He claims to be very honest person.

Analysis of Chapter 3 - Feminism
- Explore how different genders react in certain situations
- How would this story be different if Gatsby were a girl? (Think in terms of his ambiguous past and immense wealth. What if a girl hosted these types of parties?)
- How would the description of Gatsby’s life be different if it were narrated through a girl’s point of view?
- What if Daisy pursued Gatsby?
- What if Gatsby had a wife and child? Complications?
- Think about gender-Jordan cheats while playing golf. Is this behavior normally expected of a girl? How would the plot be different if it were a male cheating at golf?

Summary of Chapter 4
- Gatsby finally tells Nick about his life. He produces a medal and picture as evidence
- Gatsby gets out of a speeding ticket
- Meyer Wolfshiem introduced. He conducts underground business and is said to have fixed the 1919 World Series. Very “shady” man
- Jordan reveals to Nick that Gatsby has confessed his love for Daisy
- Daisy moved on from Gatsby to Tom, but received a letter from Gatsby the night before her wedding. The green light he reaches out for is on Daisy’s dock.
- Gatsby wants Nick to arrange a tea party at Nick’s house and invite only Daisy. Gatsby will show up later to surprise and reunite with Daisy.

Analysis of Chapter 4 - Marxism
- Explore how the “large” dominates the “small”
- Gatsby is able to get out of a speeding ticket (money vs. law)
- Meyer Wolfshiem and the World Series (money)
- Tom’s $350,000 pearl necklace for Daisy (male vs. female)

Monday - 1.11.10

Today in class we started by going over a character web on the board for The Great Gatsby. It is easy to see that all the characters are interconnected and how important the narrator becomes. We also discussed and reviewed Chapter 2 from last Thursday. Here are some central points:

Chapter 2 Summary
- The Valley of Ashes is introduced
- Dr. TJ Eckleburg’s eyes watches over all
- Tom takes Myrtle and Nick to his apartment in New York City that he keeps specifically for the affair. He throws a party and invites a few guests.
- At this party, rumors are discussed about Gatsby’s past as the liquor continuously flows
- Tom buys Myrtle a puppy
- Tom and Myrtle have a violent fight over Daisy. Tom breaks her nose during the argument.

Chapter 2 Analysis - Historical/Biographical
- Explore how this chapter reflects life in the 1920s or elements from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s actual life
- Prohibition
- Cult of Domesticity
- Division of wealth- Valley of Ashes, George vs. Tom
- Sanctity of marriage- blatant affairs
- Fitzgerald’s tumultuous relationship with Zelda
- Fitzgerald and Tom both heavy, aggressive drinkers

After discussing Chapter 2, we went on to read all of Chapter 3.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday - 1.7.10

Students received copies of the study guide for Great Gatsby. It was explained that this will not be collected for a grade, but will help students review for the test. The chart for the color symbol journal was also handed out, and students will begin to fill it out tomorrow as we read. Students then took notes on Chapter 1 and the possibilities for writing the critical analysis.

Summary Notes from Chap. 1:

- Background information given on Nick
- East Egg (old rich) vs. West Egg (newly rich)
- Nick drives to East Egg to have dinner with his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom
- Tom a former football player, physically enormous
- Daisy is very delicate, and absent minded
- Nick is introduced to Jordan Baker- she yawns as if bored by her lavish life
- At dinner, Tom receives a call from his lover. Jordan reveals that Tom is having an affair.
- Nick arrives home to see Gatsby standing on his lawn, reaching out over the dark water of his dock, staring at a distant green light

Critical Analysis Notes from Chap. 1 (Historical or Biographical):

- Explore how this chapter reflects life in the 1920s or elements from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s actual life (Remember that F. Scott Fitzgerald is the author)
- F. Scott Fitzgerald and Nick both had traditions of old money, but did not actually have it themselves
- Fitzgerald & Zelda and Tom & Daisy both have rocky relationships littered with affairs and abuse
- Drinking at dinner-prohibition
- Women’s rights and the changing roles of women. Compare/Contrast Daisy and Jordan
- War aftermath
- American Dream- all trying to pursue it
- Division of wealth- East Egg vs. West Egg, time of unprecedented wealth

After taking notes, we read Chapter 2 together in class.

Homework: Students should download and print the semester calendar (from the handouts page, link on the right), and the Vocabulary Unit #6 is due on 1.22 and the quiz is also that day.

Wednesday - 1.6.10

Today we begun the period by going over the two major assignments that will be due for Great Gatsby. The first assignment is a criticial analysis paper. The students are expected to write a half page analysis per chapter, along with the three questions on the same topic. We will be discussing possible writing topics after each chapter is read. The second assignment is a color symbolism journal. Students were given a sample journal (covering chapters 1-2) and a chart of colors and their symbolic meaning. Students are expected to chart quotes with colors mentioned, and then guess what the colors mean. Students were also given a list of vocabulary terms for the novel, which will appear on the final test. We also read chapter 1 today in class.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday - 1.5.10

Welcome back! Today was our first day back after the break and of course it was an adventure...the trailer had no heat so we had class in the computer lab where it was nice and warm. We started the Great Gatsby Unit today by journaling, taking notes on the novel and author, and completing an anticipation guide. All these documents are on the handouts website (link is located to the left of the page), under Great Gatsby. Tomorrow class will be back in T-10. Stay warm!