Journal Topics

All journals should be a minimum of one page and written in a spiral or composition notebook!

11th Grade Honors
  • Journal #1 - "My Name Story" - Using the "My Name" article as a blueprint, write your own name story. Make sure you use at least one anecdote.
  • Journal #2 - "Origins" - Write a story of how you came to be where you are now.
  • Journal #3 - "Memory" - Write about one memory that stands out in your mind. Using dialogue and other rhetorical devices, make your memory interesting for your reader. Model Dave Barry. 
  • Journal #4 - "Myth" - Write your own creation myth.
  • Journal #5 - "Extreme Experience" - Pretend you were alive during the time period of the Native Americas or Explorers. Write about an extreme situation that happened to you.
AP Language
  • Journal #1 - "Unique" - Pick one trait that is unique to you, and only you. Write how it is unique and why this is important. Make sure to include at least one anecdote.
  • Journal #2 - "Stereotypes" - Write on the topic of stereotypes, or in response to the piece "Black Men and Public Spaces". You must use at least 2 of the rhetorical devices discussed. Each device must be highlighted and labeled. 
  • Journal #3 - "Why?" - Write about why the author used the rhetorical devices he did in these two pieces. How was it effective?  
  • Journal #4 - "What tribes exist at North Gwinnett?" - After reading the piece on high school tribal life, compare it to NG. Do the same tribes exist here?