Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Catcher in the Rye - Test Review

In order for you to receive the bonus points on this test, you will need to complete the following assignment:

Click on the "comments" button on the bottom of the post. Please look through the questions that have been posted, regarding Catcher in the Rye. First, you must post your own question (one that you have come up with) following the rules for posting. Next you will need to copy one of the questions that has been posted by someone else, and then supply an answer for that question.

Don't forget to include your student # and period to receive credit!

Monday, March 29, 2010

This week...

Monday - Your outside reading assignment is due. You only need to turn in the AP-style data sheet, no presentation. Also, you will need to read Ch. 22-24 in class, while answering your study guide questions. Before the class is over, everyone should have journals 1-8 completed.

Tuesday - Today we will be finishing the book in class. All study guide questions should be answered, and journal #9 completed. If we have time, we will begin our in-class review of the novel.

Wednesday - Quiz Day! You will be taking your third and final quiz over Catcher in the Rye. Your vocab unit 9 work is also due, and you will be taking your quiz over those words. At the end of the period, we will be reviewing parts of the novel in preparation of the test. HW: Catcher Review, directions will be posted here.

Thursday - Catcher in the Rye Test today, all study guide questions and journals due. Your Holden Character Project is also due today. We will have brief, informal presentations of the Holden projects after the test. Good luck!

Friday - Happy Spring Break!! Have fun and be safe!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

GHSGT Testing this week...

While I have seen some of you everyday, some of you I have seen every other day, and some of you I haven't seen since last Friday. This is what we have been covering this week:
  • Catcher in the Rye Quiz #1- If you have seen me, then you have taken a quiz on chapters 1-6, if you haven't seen me this week, you will be taking your quiz tomorrow.
  • Catcher in the Rye Quiz #2 - EVERYONE will take this in class on Friday. It will be over Chapters 1-15.
  • Reading...by the end of the week you should have through Ch. 18 read, questions answered, and journals written.

If you need to catch up on your reading at home, click here for a copy online. If you need another copy of the handouts or the notes from the powerpoint, please see the handouts page, and look under Catcher in the Rye.

I am around if you need me, and of course I am always available through email! Good luck on your testing!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, 3.17.10

Today we offically finished up our unit on research and began Catcher in the Rye. Students took notes on JD Salinger and Catcher in the Rye, and then received all handouts for the unit, which include: calendar, project, study questions, and journal topics. Students then began reading Catcher in the Rye, Chapters 1-3.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Updated March Calendar

Click on the image to see in a larger window.

Monday-Thursday - 3.1-4.10

This week students will be working on their research papers in the lab. Each day the students are responsible for emailing their progress for the period to Mrs. Lusher for feedback. All outlines and annotated bibs should be completed by now, and the full rough draft is due by the end of the period on Monday.

Friday - 2.26.10

Today students worked in the computer lab to finish their outlines and annotated bibs for their research papers. They were due by the end of the period. Grade reports were also sent home today.